
제33차 아세안화학산업회의 개최 안내

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제33차 아세안 화학산업회의(ASEAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CLUB CONFERENCE)가 오는 9월 16일-17일 싱가포르화학산업협의회 주최로
Singapore Marina Mandarin Hotel에서 개최됩니다.

참석을 희망하시는 회원사는 첨부 화일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

We are pleased to attach brochure of ACIC 2004. You can also see the details on our website http://www.scic.org.sg/acic2004/

This is one of the premier events of the chemical industry in the region which provides an excellent opportunity of networking between key industry players including producers, suppliers, customers, warehousing & logistic operators, etc.

We are expecting about 250 delegates for this event from the ASEAN nations, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Middle East, Europe and U.S.A.

This event is sponsored and supported by the leading chemical players in the region including ExxonMobil, Shell, DOW, SOXAL, Chevron Ornite, Accenture, etc.

I welcome you and your colleagues to participate in the above event. You may register on line or you can contact Mr Raymond Hoi as mentioned below :-

Mr Raymond Hoi
Singapore Chemical Industry Council
Email : raymondhoi@smafederation.org.sg
Tel : (65) 6826 3039
Fax : (65) 6822 8323

먼저 비밀번호를 입력하여 주세요.
